Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Marley's Home

Right after I posted about my creative space last week, Marley D., one of my beautiful dogs, became very ill.
Friday night he was fine, but when I got home on Saturday morning,
he refused to eat breakfast and didn't want to get up.
I took him to the emergency vet, and he had a high fever, and when they drew labs, he was very anemic.
He was in the hospital for ten days with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, on high dose prednisone, Immuran, Cyclosporin,
 and he had some chemotherapy drugs.
He had three blood transfusions.
 He became jaundiced and had blood in his urine.
On Saturday, they did a reticulocyte count and he was starting to make new red blood cells, and today I brought him home! He is still very weak, but doing much better and his lab values are improving.
I just took this photo of him, he's so glad to be home.
I want to leave you with a very important thought:
Pet insurance is worth it. His bill was $4600.00
Have a great week! Love, Linda


  1. Oh my goodness! That must have been so scary. Glad that you have him at home now and hope he gets stronger each day. Wow! Thank goodness for pet insurance.

  2. Aloha Linda,
    I'm so glad your Marley is getting stronger everyday! I know that our pets are our babies and when my Hoku is ill, I'm up 24/7 until she improves. Marley looks beautiful!

  3. I'm so sorry to hear Marley has been ill. I know how scary that can be. I'm glad he is home and doing better! I so need to get pet insurance. Do you have one you like and can recommend? Sending healing thoughts--

  4. Hi Linda..hugs to you and you sweet pup...glad all is better!Get well soon Marley!

  5. Tears. I am so sorry to hear that your precious pup Marley is ill. I will say a prayer for her speedy recovery.
    We have a beautiful 5 yr old Boxer pup and when he doesn't feel good.... mommy doesn't feel good.
    His registered name is Sir Archibald (Archie for short). He has had Limes Desease, has chronic allergies and has had TPLO knee surgery. The first week in August.... he has to have TPLO surgery on the other knee ($2900). We have spent thousands of dollars (all worth it) on him. I checked into Pet Insurance but it only covered things that would probably never happen (and doesn't cover allergies or TPLO). Maybe I should re-visit it.
    I hope Marley recovers quickly!!!

  6. Oh Linda, I'm so sorry to hear that sweet Marley was so ill. You must have been so worried. Hopefully he's recovered even more since you posted and feels good now.
    Sending hugs to you and to Marley,

  7. Sending hugs and prayers for Marley. I pray he continues to improve.
