Alabama Chanin is located in . . . Alabama.
The owner is Natalie Chanin who moved back home from NYC
and started a design line of handsewn clothing.
She has published 4 books full of patterns, design tips and
instructions for sewing her clothing.
(This is good, because her cloths sell for 800 to 3500 dollars.
And up!)
So, I decided to make a T-shirt. I went to Hobby Lobby and purchased
XXXL T-shirts, 3.99 each with 30% off.
I enlarged and printed the stencil from her book,
and cut and printed the stencil onto the T-shirt fabric.
After the stencil was done, I stitched around it, then cut out the
centers. This is called "reverse appliqué.
Then I hand sewed the shirt together.
This is herringbone stitch - with homemade tiger tape.
Now I understand why her stuff is so expensive!
Starting on a skirt.
Love, Linda
Oh I love Alabama Chanin too and you have made a great job of this. How are you? I hope you're taking it easy....have a brilliant weekend xxx